
TurboGI is a very lightweight global illumination shader designed for low-end devices and some integrated GPUs (iGPUs). It provides realistic lighting effects without requiring high-end hardware.


  • GI Intensity: Controls the intensity of the global illumination. Higher values make the overall lighting effect brighter and more pronounced.

  • AO Intensity: Adjusts the intensity of ambient occlusion, which enhances shadows in small crevices, making them look deeper and more realistic.

  • Ray Length: Sets the maximum distance that light rays travel. Longer rays capture more light from the scene, but can be slightly more demanding on performance.

  • Depth Dropoff: Limits how far the light spreads to prevent it from leaking into areas it shouldn’t, like foggy regions. This helps avoid unwanted light effects in those areas.

  • Debug: Displays only the lighting effect, separating it from the rest of the scene. This is useful for tweaking and adjusting the shader settings to get the desired look.
  • GI: Displays the lighting debug view. Debug GI
  • None: Displays the shader output applied to the image. Debug None